Posts Tagged ‘Science’

Be aware. Ears, nose, fingers, and toes are the most vulnerable to frostbite. This can occur with prolonged exposure to temperatures below freezing. Some symptoms include aches in the extremities or white or waxy appearance of the skin. It can also have a feeling of hardness. Use warm water (not hot) to slowly raise the temperature of the skin before seeking medical treatment.

Watch the weather. Even being outside for a short time in very cold temperatures can put you at risk. Before planning any outdoor activity, check your forecast. If you are going to be out in a remote area, take extra supplies such as a change of clothes, water, a blanket, and your cell phone. Let other people know what your plans are.

Dress right. Loose fitting warm layers are best for preventing frostbite. Choose wool or high tech fabrics. Avoid using cotton, which does not retain heat very well. Thick socks and insulated boots are a must, along with hats, scarves, and mittens or gloves. Have an extra pair of dry mittens or gloves available to swap out if the first pair gets wet. Be sure to offer your child a snack before he/she goes out for a boost of energy which will warm them up a bit.

Stay dry. Your core loses heat when wet. No matter the temperature, bring your child inside immediately if any water soaks through their pants, coat, or boots.

Leave us your comments. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Let us know what other topics you would like to have discussed. Share this post with your family and friends. Remember to always praise your child.



Here is the quiz, just as promised:

1. Attitude
My kid…
a. dislikes getting ready and going to school
b. suddenly likes school less than he used to
c. has always enjoyed going to school

2. Temperament
I would describe my kid as…
a. extremely talkative
b. introverted
c. easily distracted

3. Assignments
My child tends to…
a. ask for help
b. claim she has no homework (then I later find out she does)
c. complete assignments quickly and easily

4. Abilities
When it comes to getting his schoolwork done, he…
a. procrastinates until I take something away (like an iPad)
b. completes assignments independently
c. sometimes has trouble with subjects taught in class

5. Behavior
Lately I have noticed that my child…
a. seems less focused
b. is not interested in educational toys or games
c. finds school more enjoyable than previously

Answer Key:
1. b 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. a

If you matched four or more answers it is worth exploring the possibility of a tutor.
If you matched three answers your child could use extra help from a teacher, a tutor or you.
If you matched two or fewer answers your kid probably does not need a tutor.



Private tutoring is turning into a big trend or as your child’s English teacher might say, “Enormous.” It is over a $5 billion per year operation and is becoming more popular at even younger ages. Many of the larger tutoring companies now offer even Pre-K programs. Some parents want to give their children an early edge.

A typical 4-year-old starting at this early of an age would get an hour’s worth of tutoring five days a week to develop reading skills and basic memory training. The earlier a kid starts learning, the better chance they have of getting into the best schools.

Certainly, that is not at all typical for most families. There is little evidence that a pumped up Pre-K learning is a pipeline to a primo college. However, it has been found that kids who entered kindergarten with solid elementary reading and math skills are most likely to excel in school later on.

At this age, tutoring is about building skills and confidence rather than addressing any deficiencies. It might involve teaching basic skills such as problem solving, numbers, new words and science. Children with even a small foundation of knowledge experience a significant academic advantage relative to their classmates. The tutoring sessions also provide a set time to sit and focus. This is a valuable practice in an age when technology pulls kids’ attention in every direction.

If your kid is on par with his peers, your child’s preschool teacher can help assess this, there is no need to hire a tutor. But if they are struggling a bit, should you consider the extra help? To find out, our next post will include a quiz for you to find out.



We do not know exactly where the solar system ends. The edge is about 12 billion miles from the sun. That is more than twice the distance from the sun to Pluto.

So , scientist always knew there would be a lot of flying to do before the little ships left the solar system. But the ships are getting close. Voyager 1 is about 11 billion miles away from the sun. Voyager 2 is about 9 billion miles away from the sun. Since we have traveled a billion miles every 3 years, it should be soon that we reach the end of the solar system.

How have the ships gone so far? It is because of their tiny nuclear power plants. They were built to keep the ships going for about 50 years. Power is expected to last until the year 2025.

See how the Voyager got started. Leave us your comments. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Let us know what other topics you would like to have discussed. Share this post with your family and friends. Keep praising your children.

Infinity an Beyond


Concentrate on number patterns. Your child will begin to notice the use of number patterns in everyday life. Help them explore the patterns of doubling and halving numbers. This will prepare them for multiplying and dividing as they grow. It will also make it easier for them to grasp these concepts.

Quality Childrens Books

Dr. Suess

Did you watch this new TV show? Did you even know that it was on? The Cat in the Hat made its first appearance this week on PBS. What makes this so different from the other Cat in the Hat is that its focus is not on reading. If you remember back a bit the focus was encouraging children to develop an interest in reading. This TV series follows the same principles, but it is geared towards getting kids interested in science. Children are not exposed to science nearly enough, especially at an early age. The cat takes children out into the world and shows and explains to them the simple wonders of science. This show airs weekday on your local PBS station. Check your local listing for times.